Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Pre-Reunion Note from Keoki Raymond

Fellow Acorns,

I will not be coming to California to join you this weekend and my regrets are deep.  Many events both petty and not have caused me to stay here on our mountain in Maui . There are thankfully no crises to blame this on, just an accumulation of kaka (kukae in hawaiian but the same old shit anyway).  I will miss very much seeing every one of you!  Scott set a great example of bowing out gracefully (that was a great photo Scott) and I will follow Bill's suggestion and try and do the same.  Maybe it will catch on as I believe we would all like to hear from everyone.
My wife Kim and I live in Kula at 3600 feet on Haleakala.  She is a Waldorf early childhood teacher and I am now mostly retired with a small orchard and am coaching Hawaiian 6-man canoe paddling at the local high school, it’s a great sport I have done since I was 12.  
My first wife and I had two great kids and a pretty successful bikini business in Santa Barbara. Then I became a carpenter/contractor (still doing a little of that).  Wife number two and I had a beautiful, now pretty big boy in Mt Shasta.  We moved to Santa Rosa where I finished school in '87 and also taught ESL in Sonoma County and here on Maui for a while.  I did a bunch of houses with Habitat, way fun.
My daughter is a sports lawyer and has worked with the Olympics.  My boys are good surfers, good cooks and good carpenters.  I have a 16 year old granddaughter who I love dearly.  Kim has 7 grandkids and they all are just incredible.  As her ex-husband has left this earthly plane, I'm grandpa and it’s the best thing I get to do these days!  My heart will be with you all this weekend and our home is open to any of you who may show up here.  It would be great to see you!

Aloha No   Keoki Raymond (aka George King)

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