Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Morning 50th Reunion Events (Alice's Restaurant)

Saturday Evening 50th Reunion Dinner

Saturday Evening Douglass (Stent) Hall - 4th Floor Visit

Friday 50th Reunion Event Photos

A Pre-Reunion Note from Jon Lawson

Food poisoning, apparently.

I was supposed to be at the football game and the Dutch Goose today, but I spent the day at the hospital in Boulder with an IV in my arm.  I'm home now.  I have no idea what caused it but the symptoms are all food poisoning of some kind.

I did have the presence of mind to cancel the flight before it left. It's on Southwest so I can reuse the airfare.  There are flights Saturday but right now I don't have enough strength to look at the suitcase, let alone pick it up.

If I'm not at the dinner, this is why.  Not happy!


Jon Lawson

A Pre-Reunion Note from Keoki Raymond

Fellow Acorns,

I will not be coming to California to join you this weekend and my regrets are deep.  Many events both petty and not have caused me to stay here on our mountain in Maui . There are thankfully no crises to blame this on, just an accumulation of kaka (kukae in hawaiian but the same old shit anyway).  I will miss very much seeing every one of you!  Scott set a great example of bowing out gracefully (that was a great photo Scott) and I will follow Bill's suggestion and try and do the same.  Maybe it will catch on as I believe we would all like to hear from everyone.
My wife Kim and I live in Kula at 3600 feet on Haleakala.  She is a Waldorf early childhood teacher and I am now mostly retired with a small orchard and am coaching Hawaiian 6-man canoe paddling at the local high school, it’s a great sport I have done since I was 12.  
My first wife and I had two great kids and a pretty successful bikini business in Santa Barbara. Then I became a carpenter/contractor (still doing a little of that).  Wife number two and I had a beautiful, now pretty big boy in Mt Shasta.  We moved to Santa Rosa where I finished school in '87 and also taught ESL in Sonoma County and here on Maui for a while.  I did a bunch of houses with Habitat, way fun.
My daughter is a sports lawyer and has worked with the Olympics.  My boys are good surfers, good cooks and good carpenters.  I have a 16 year old granddaughter who I love dearly.  Kim has 7 grandkids and they all are just incredible.  As her ex-husband has left this earthly plane, I'm grandpa and it’s the best thing I get to do these days!  My heart will be with you all this weekend and our home is open to any of you who may show up here.  It would be great to see you!

Aloha No   Keoki Raymond (aka George King)

The Menlo Class of 1964 Welcomes Back Scott Clinton!

Hi Bill and Mike:
I regret I will be unable to join you and our classmates later this week.  I made plans many months ago for a lengthy trip to Spain where I will remain for several months...
It's hard to believe we are all in our late 60's! Where did the time go!  My journey over the years was filled with many "twists and turns."  I started at UCSB but later transferred to USC.  I thought I might pursue a career in journalism or film making but that never occurred (BTW while at USC I met George Lucas. We all told George no one was interested in science fiction and he should go in a different direction!  But George stuck with his passion and the rest is history!).
I returned to New York to work briefly as a trainee at a large advertising firm.  Not quite like Mad Men, but I sure had an interesting behind the scenes look at the ad world.  I became interested in the financial markets and wound up as a trainee at Reuters.  From there I returned to California and joined a small investment banking firm that helped public agencies finance long term capital improvements.  I remained there almost 30 years--first in LA and later in San Francisco.  I married but, divorced, although I am still good friends with my ex.  My 30 year old son has a PhD in neuroscience and works near Baltimore.  My 25 year old daughter designs clothes and is trying to make it in the fashion industry...
Since my retirement several years ago, I began to study the guitar-- flamenco which has always attracted me.  I have many friends and teachers in Spain and visit the country often.  I am still very much a student and my hands do not "move" like an 18 year old but I find it enjoyable none the less...The photo was taken last week in a famous flamenco museum in Malaga, Spain.  Of course my musical interests may have been stimulated by the jug band Robbie Krieger, Bill Wolff, Jerry Dunn and I started while at Menlo.  I remember the day we performed for students, teachers, and parents at a luncheon.  The photo on the reunion notice postcard was shot at that event.  I don't think they were quite prepared for our band! Conservative Menlo School had never seen anything quite like it!  Of course as we all know Robbie went on to stardom in the world of rock and roll and Billy was --and I hear still is --a wonderfully talented player with a focus on jazz.
Please say high to both if they attend the reunion...I now live in Santa Fe, NM--a city I have been visiting for more than 40 years.  If anyone wishes to reach me they can do so at this email address:
The world sure seems a lot more complicated place than it was during our time at Menlo.  Of course we had the Viet Nam war, the psychedelic revolution, hippies, and the usual scandals in government but somehow-- in retrospect-- it sure seemed like an idyllic time for us all...
Wishing you all the best of health and hope you all have a great time at the reunion. Feel free to share this email with the attendees...

Best regards,
Scott Clinton
Class of '64

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Class of '64 also belatedly laments the death of classmate Ray Taylor who passed away in 2010.

Classmate, Teammate, Friend!

On 7/14/2010 Menlo received an email from Ray's sister Susan Taylor requesting Menlo to note Ray's death in our next alumni publication. He died of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) in Paonia, Colorado. May he also rest in peace.

Ray was a good friend and a great swimmer.  Steve Olney and I used to hang out at Ray’s house a lot.  His mother always made us feel welcome.  I tried to contact Ray several times in Colorado but never got a response from him. 


Thanks for the very sad information about Ray Taylor. I had tried numerous times to get in touch with him over the years and concluded that he wanted to be left alone. He was a wonderful guy and a close friend and I hate to think of the agony he must have gone through. 


The Class of '64 laments the Passing of Willard G. Wyman, who passed away at the age of 83 in February 2014.

Teacher, Coach, Pack Guide, Friend!  The Class of '64 shares these fond memories of Bill Wyman:

Thank you for passing on the sad news of Bill Wyman's death.  I remember ski trips and back packing with him, as well as our first year English class.  We also saw each other at Stanford.

Do any of you, besides Kemper, remember the day in English class that Kemper took an eraser for me?  Eventually I had to write some sort of punishment paper in lieu of Kemper for whatever his crime may have been.  My crime was turning to ask a question of Tom Love, and having Wyman see me talking in class.  But I saw Wyman cock back that eraser throwing arm and dove for the floor.  He corrected down but neglected to note that Kemper, sitting in front of me, was in the way.
On a Mineral King back-pack trip, Sam Felix and Kemper Shaw were complaining about being kept awake all night by bears raiding the nearby garbage cans, and were astounded that I had slept through the incident.  I, of course, was upset that I did not get to see the bears.

I am certain that others remember great incidents in our time with Bill Wyman.  He really was a tremendous fellow.  I am sorry for our loss.

I do hope to see you all this Fall.
Bill Kendall

I was sad to hear of Bill Wyman's passing. His Freshman English class was one of my favorites--fun as well as instructive.  Reading Julius Caesar and Cyrano in his class are among my best memories from Menlo. I have fond memories of his joking and throwing erasers, besides which he was always friendly and supportive.

Bill introduced me to back packing in the high Sierras - an experience that led me on to many more outdoor adventures.  As a coach and a teacher he was among the best.  I hope he realized how much he helped people along their way.  We were very lucky to have crossed paths with him.
All the best

I'm so sorry to receive this news!  Bill Wyman was certainly one of my favorite Menlo instructors - along with Bob Jones.  Several of us enjoyed a telephone conversation with Bill during our 2009/45th Reunion.  We'd invited him to join us, but he was on a book-signing tour, and couldn't make it.  I was planning on contacting him about joining our 50th Reunion.

If you're in touch with his family, please extend my most sincere condolences - and let them know how important he was to my Menlo experience.
Bill J.

I am so sad to hear that Mr. Wyman is gone.
He was one of my best memories at Menlo.
I always looked forward to English class, football practice and the pack trips in the Sierras.

Remember the push-ups when we came to class late?

‘Passing another milestone on our journey home.
Cheers, Sam

Wow, Bill -- I thought he was always in such good shape that he would never pass away (despite the cigarettes).  I have many fond memories of interactions with him at Menlo and later at Stanford.  As you say, may he rest in peace!

Sorry to hear this. For the record, every time I am in a meeting or conference and the speaker reaches for an eraser to clean the board he is using, I *still* flinch.

Wyman's Freshman English Class,

Let the record show that both Kemper & I were totally innocent of any wrong doing, at least on that occasion!  And, I believe that Kendall was soon moved by Mr. Wyman to the front row while both Kemper and I were moved to the back to minimize the risk of future incoming eraser attacks by Coach Wyman.  Or maybe I'm thinking of Tim Hovey or Jim Jordan who also received punichment from Wyman.  Kinda fond memories, huh, g guys?
Tom Love

I remember coach Wyman from football only, but I recall him as easy to like and hard to be coached by, a good man.

Wyman was a Classic.  We started when he did and he cut his teeth on the Class of '64.
The Ski Trip he took us on was a total blast and became a lasting memory of the Menlo Years.
Wyman, Jones, Salisbury - we were so fortunate, looking back on it all now, how we even survived keeping up with them (Wyman especially, the rascal!).  It's a wonder we're still alive.
What a guy he was!
R.T.P. Bill
Michael Kenner

May Bill Wyman rest in peace