Sunday, October 20, 2019

More 55th Menlo Reunion Photos

From the Saturday morning Brunch at Dinah's Poolside Restaurant:

Keoki, Sam, Bruce, John Z., Mike K. Tom, and Jon.

Tom Love and Sam Felix.

John Zinke, Mike Kenner. Tom Love, Jon Lawson.

Keoki Raymond.

Doug and Lulu Williams included in this one - everyone else you ought to recognize by now :-).

Kim/Anne Marie - I'm sorry there aren't any photos of you in the post - but I'll be HAPPY to add to the post if you'll forward a photo to me (Bill J)!

Thanks to ALL who participated - it was another GREAT time!! To those of you who were unable to attend or chose not to - COME JOIN US IN 2024!  It's NEVER too late to join the fun!!

Tha, tha, tha, that's all folks!!

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