Sunday, October 20, 2019

More 55th Menlo Reunion Photos

From the Saturday morning Brunch at Dinah's Poolside Restaurant:

Keoki, Sam, Bruce, John Z., Mike K. Tom, and Jon.

Tom Love and Sam Felix.

John Zinke, Mike Kenner. Tom Love, Jon Lawson.

Keoki Raymond.

Doug and Lulu Williams included in this one - everyone else you ought to recognize by now :-).

Kim/Anne Marie - I'm sorry there aren't any photos of you in the post - but I'll be HAPPY to add to the post if you'll forward a photo to me (Bill J)!

Thanks to ALL who participated - it was another GREAT time!! To those of you who were unable to attend or chose not to - COME JOIN US IN 2024!  It's NEVER too late to join the fun!!

Tha, tha, tha, that's all folks!!

Menlo Class of '64's 55th Reunion

Nearly a dozen members of the Menlo Class of 1964 gathered in the Menlo Park/Los Altos area over the weekend of 12 - 14 October, 2019 to celebrate the 55th anniversary of our graduation from Menlo.

Our celebration began with a wonderful pre-Homecoming Game "festival" organized and hosted by Menlo on the Douglass Lawn! Special thanks to Katherine Kelly and the Menlo Alumni staff for the incredible selection of foods, beverages and entertainment!

UNDER THE LIGHTS at Cartan Field (a FIRST for us!), Bruce Benton, Bill Jarrott, Jim Odriozola and John Zinke were joined by John Lawson, Kim McKellar and Kim's lovely lady, Anne Marie to watch the Menlo Knights defeat the Carlton High School Scots, 23 to 17!!  Unfortunately, NO photographs were taken to remember this event - in fact, as the evening grew increasingly chilly a few of us faint-hearted departed at the beginning of the 4th quarter when it appeared that the Knights had the game under control, and returned to Dinah's for a night cap in the warmth of Dinah's Poolside Restaurant.

On Saturday, we enjoyed a casual morning and afternoon of classmate arrivals and informal get-togethers in and around Dinah's.  Our "main event" was a lovely dinner in the heated patio of Pezella's Via Napoli Italian Restaurant, about 4 miles south of Dinah's on El Camino.

From here on, it'll just photographs of the event, courtesy of CreativeShot Photography (SPECIAL thanks to Mike Kenner for engaging the photographer!).

Most dinner attendees, with small group photos and individual photos to follow (unfortunately, Kim McKellar and Anne joined us after the photographer departed)

Bruce Benton

And his cousin (or as Bruce refers to her, his "Reunion Wife!"

Doug Williams.

Doug and his lovely wife, Lulu.

Chase (or as we remember him, "Chip" Young).

And, Chase's lovely wife, Judith Branch.

Steve Westbrook (his FIRST Menlo reunion, ever)!

Bill Jarrott, John Zinke Ann Sullivan (with back to camera), Bruce Benton and Steve Westbrook.

"Keoki" George Raymond and Lulu Williams.

Jim Odriozola (you may recall that Jim joined our reunion group two years ago when we discovered his wife worked with Mike Kenner's daughter in Santa Cruz).

Jon Lawson.

Mike Kenner and Jim Odriozola (More photos to follow - I've run out of room in THIS post!).

Tom Love and Sam Felix.

Tom Love ad Mike Kenner.

Billy Wolff, Doug Williams and Mike Kenner.

John Zinke and Sam Felix.

Bruce Benton and Ann Sullivan.

Jim Odriozola.

Bill Jarrott and John Zinke
Photos from the Saturday morning brunch at Dinah's will be included in the next post.