Thursday, December 4, 2008

Phil Lehman

‘Made a few trips to Los Angeles again...down Interstate 5 and passed by the turn off for Firebaugh...'still cracks me up that I've thought about you every time I see that sign. Strange how things like that work.

I went to the blog site again and saw the Eat Your Vegetables picture. Jeeeezus - what I wouldn't giv'e to have a few of those years back!

I remember the circumstances and remember all the stuff around it (including that whack-job teacher that caused it all...the burn-behind-the-ear-with-the-pipe thing). We all got in some trouble for it, but I think the teacher got released...maybe not but my sense of fair play wants to remember it that way. Our first "cause célèbre"!!

Thanks for the effort, Bill...I hope all is well with you and all the rest of the guys. I've got an interesting story about the Haight-Ashbury days if Liza wants to hear about it. The story also includes an encounter with Cunningham (teacher/dorm master)...just to add a little more meat to it. Stay in touch...

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