Sunday, November 12, 2017

2017 "Mini-Reunion"

Season's Greetings, Classmates (well, it IS almost Thanksgiving)!

'Thought you'd enjoy some photos from our "off-cycle" mini-reunion during Menlo's recent Homecoming Celebration (20-21 October 2017).  As expected, the turnout was light, but it was a terrific opportunity to welcome Jim Odriozola back to the class after his LONG absence, and to renew several other long-term relationships!

Here's a shot of a little of a little pre-game "B.S." session:

And, a little class camaraderie during the game (missing? Keoki Raymond who was otherwise obligated, but who, with his lovely wife, Kim, joined us later for our reunion dinner):

You'd have been proud of the Knights (formerly, as you'll recall, the "World Famous Menlo fighting Acorns")! The team performed far better than we predecessors from 1964 (who accumulated a 4W/3L record during our our final season) by trouncing Woodside High School 51-6! 'Gotta be honest here in noting that by the end of the 3rd quarter, some of us were wishing the Referee could call the game to STOP the annihilation (and allow us to move on to our reunion dinner)!

Speaking of the Reunion Dinner, we all enjoyed a pleasant repast at Pezzella's Villa Napoli in Sunnyvale (at the recommendation of Bruce Benton's cousin, Ann Sullivan).

We were thrilled to arrive and find Keoki and Kim Raymond there (although Keoki had told me he and Kim would be joining us, we apparently "missed" them during the Homecoming Game)! 

Both Kim and Connie were MOST pleasant additions to our dinner party!  Kim took additional photos during our dinner - I'll add them to another post when I receive them.

My final photo for this post?  Our pal, John Zinke, looking VERY content after his meal!!

After dinner, since a few of us, by "tradition," were staying at Dinah's Garden Hotel, we moved on to their Poolside Restaurant for a "night cap" before retiring from our pleasant evening!

Finally, on Saturday morning, most of us re-united at Dinah's Poolside Restaurant for breakfast and a final get-together before well headed in different directions for sightseeing, family visiting, and other diversions!

'Sorry we missed a bunch of you! But, for us who attended, it was a nice, small, pleasant time together!!

 I'll let you all know when/if I get more photos for posting, AND, I'll be back in touch when we start making plans for our 55th Reunion in 2019.

In the meantime, please stay well, and stay in touch!

Cheers, Bill